GKG is the flagship of Kineton's eco-fleet. Our aim has been to promote wider consciousness of food: where it comes from, how we can grow much of it - especially fruit and vegetables - ourselves, to encourage people to eat seasonally and well, and why it's more environmentally sound and healthier to do that than buying often out of season produce (and lots more convenience food besides) from a distant supermarket that will -as its standard practice - freight it in from hundreds if not thousands of 'air miles' away.
What we do
GKG usually has a stall at the Farmers' Market where we regularly give away vegetable seeds (and seed potatoes) to encourage people to grow their own. Often we have demonstrations, do-it-yourself seeding, and sometimes apple pressing (on our miniature press) especially geared towards enthusing Kineton's younger members.
We have two demonstration plots to show how easy it can be to grow quite a lot of food, organically, on a small piece of land. The first (with the support of the Parish Council) is on the green at Southam road and has been mostly created and developed with tender loving care by Sue Foden, of Southam rd. The herbs and vegetables on the plot are for sharing with Kineton folk, especially those living round or close to the green. Sue is also the arch-practitioner of using pots and old recycling bins for growing food, as seen outside her front door. Where people don't have any garden we encourage people to use the Foden method or even window sills to grow some of their own food.
We have a second demonstration plot on the roundabout at the top of St Peters road (with the permission of Orbit Housing). This was formerly run by Ross and Elisabeth and family. Since, their move to Lighthorne, the plot is available for any person, family or group who would like to take it on.
We have been involved with the gardening projects at the play group, primary and high schools and done a seeding demonstration for Kineton scout group. The primary school project continues to flourish. In fact, we began our very first communal effort at the primary school by collecting their abundant autumn leaves, our school leafmould enclosures providing useful additional organic compost for the primary school and demonstration plots. Since Mr Parisi left the high school project currently languishes. We are looking for someone (e.g. an enthusiastic parent) to inspire and lead!
We have been very lucky with the outside support we have received and would particularly like to acknowledge that from Garden Organic, Ryton. We would also thank the Parish Council for assistance with getting us started.
If you would like to become involved in GKG, would like to develop your own demonstration plot, get involved in or resuscitate the school projects or have any other ideas, contact Mark on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 01926 641026